Add mass to the discrete element?

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Add mass to the discrete element?

Mr Tobi
 Excuse me Friends Granoo,

How do I apply the mass to the discrete element.

In the section Fill in cooker I can apply number of discrete element but no its weight or mass.

What plugin must use for apply a specific mass (g)


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Re: Add mass to the discrete element?

Damien André
Hello, simply use the set_mass(m) method
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Re: Add mass to the discrete element?

Hello Damien,

Is it right that the mass is calculated by particle's volume and density (SetDensity). Must we use set_mass method together with SetDensity ?

Kind Regards,
Do Xuan Vinh Nguyen
PhD Student,
School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences,
University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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Re: Add mass to the discrete element?

Damien André
Yes, you are right. The mass is automatically computed from the density and the volume of the discrete element. So, if you set the density, the mass will be updated automatically

Cheers, Damien.