Building on Windows 10

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Building on Windows 10

Dear All,
I tried to build and install following the nice tutorial that you have on a windows machine.
I was able to install everything until Eigen3, where the most recent versions were not able to be installed. So I searched for the same version and was able to install it.
Following the next steps when I tried to install GranOO there were plenty of messages.

" This object file does not define any previously undefined public symbols, so it will not be used by any link operation that consumes this library "

Until it reaches 46% and than I have:

C:\Developer\Sources\granoo\tags\2.0\Lib\GranOO\libUtil\String.cpp(112): error C2672: 'std::isspace': no matching overloaded function found

and finally multiple fatal errors U1077.

I use Win10, VS2017, boost_1_65_0, VTK-8.1.1, zlib-1.2.11, Qt5.9.2.

Would VS2015 work?
Sorry by the silly questions it is the first time that I try to build anything from scratch.
Anyway thank you very much!
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Re: Building on Windows 10

Cédric Hubert
Hi Murilo,

I've never tried to install it on Windows 10, but I know that it cannot be compiled correctly using MSVC 2017.
As far as I know, there is a broken option that causes runtime errors in GranOO (missing symbols).

My configuration is Windows 7 with MSVC 2015 (update 3); this one works fine, although GranOO is quite long to compile compared to Linux or macOS systems.

So, in a first time, try to compile GranOO with MSVC 2015 update 3. We'll see if the problem persists.

Best regards,
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Re: Building on Windows 10

Thank you very much Cédric,
Just a small question, I think it should be important to uninstall what I tried to build.
To do so, do I just delete the "Developer" folder and start from scratch?
Thank you for the quick answer!
All the best, Murilo.
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Re: Building on Windows 10

Cédric Hubert
You can keep your Developer/Sources directory, and remove all in Developer/Build and Developer/Install.
You will have to rebuild all the GranOO dependencies, as well as GranOO, of course.

Best regards,
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Re: Building on Windows 10

Dear Cédric,
Thank you very much for your response.
I was able to delete everything and start over, I installed the MSVC 2015 (update 3).
Unfortunately I got the same result.
I tried also changing vtk version to 8.0.1 as described by the tutorial.
I am thinking, maybe docker could do the trick?
Do you think it is possible? I do not have a lot of experience with docker, only some use to install FEniCS.
Anyway, if you have any idea, it would be a pleasure to test.
All the best, Murilo.