I'm new to Granoo and was just wondering if there were some accompanying publications that show in a bit more detail how the contact forces are calculated between 3D shapes? I checked the following and couldn't find any details:
André, D., Charles, J.L., Iordanoff, I. and Néauport, J., 2014. The GranOO workbench, a new tool for developing discrete element simulations, and its application to tribological problems. Advances in Engineering Software, 74, pp.40-48.
André, D., Charles, J.L. and Iordanoff, I., 2013, September. A new C++ workbench to develop discrete element simulations: GranOO. In 2nd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC 2013, Bordeaux, France).
For example, in the following work, the contact force is determined from the intersection volume from the two polyhedra:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004578251500095XIs a similar approach used here? And moreover, how is the location of the contact force determined?
Thank you!