Contact force calculation

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Contact force calculation


I'm new to Granoo and was just wondering if there were some accompanying publications that show in a bit more detail how the contact forces are calculated between 3D shapes?  I checked the following and couldn't find any details:

André, D., Charles, J.L., Iordanoff, I. and Néauport, J., 2014. The GranOO workbench, a new tool for developing discrete element simulations, and its application to tribological problems. Advances in Engineering Software, 74, pp.40-48.

André, D., Charles, J.L. and Iordanoff, I., 2013, September. A new C++ workbench to develop discrete element simulations: GranOO. In 2nd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC 2013, Bordeaux, France).

For example, in the following work, the contact force is determined from the intersection volume from the two polyhedra:

Is a similar approach used here?  And moreover, how is the location of the contact force determined?

Thank you!

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Re: Contact force calculation

Damien André
Hello !
In GranOO, the contact forces are computed from interpenetration distances. In the case of non-spherical bodies, these distances are computed thanks to the GJK-EPA algorithm.

kind regards, Damien.
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Re: Contact force calculation

Could you open this more? For instance, how is standard differs from standard2?

Is the normal force calculation completely linear with the exception to define an equation in standard?

Basically, where can we find the theoretical references?
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Re: Contact force calculation

Damien André
Hello, Yes you right, GranOO lack of documentation concerning this particular point and there is no publication concerning this. What do you want to know exactly ?
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Re: Contact force calculation

What are the equations?
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Re: Contact force calculation

Damien André
The equations are, more or less,  those ones desribed in this document :

Kind regards, Damien