Cooker reads an input file.

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Cooker reads an input file.

LE Ba Danh

In the old version, I created a VES of the composite material by
the option "AddDiscreteElementFromFileInSHAPE" in Cooker, the input file used is built from the generic input file named CookingBook.inp.shape.

For granoo 2.0, how can I create my VES composite as an old version?

Thank you,

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Re: Cooker reads an input file.

Damien André

Please take a look in the input file located at :

This input file shows how to load a pre-filled static domain into the cooker program.

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Re: Cooker reads an input file.

LE Ba Danh
Thank Damien,

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Re: Cooker reads an input file.

LE Ba Danh
Hi all,
I create my discrete domain (Box) with:
 <PlugIn Id="_NewSupportShape" Type="Box" DimX="0.03" DimY="0.15" DimZ="0.15" ID="Box"/>
 <PlugIn Id="InitProblem" TotalDeNumber="1000" BoundarySupportShapeID="Box"/>

The result gets:

The Setof "Box" in "DEM::DiscreteElement" contains only outside elements, not all discrete element (see photo attached).
While, when I create cylinder domain or sphere domain, with the ID ="Cylinder" or ID="Sphere", these Setof "Cylinder" or "Sphere" contain all discrete element:

You can update it in the box creation?

Thank you,


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Re: Cooker reads an input file.

Damien André
This is fixed, you can update GranOO with "svn update" and recompile it.

Have a nice day, Damien.
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Re: Cooker reads an input file.

LE Ba Danh
Thank Damien,
