Default view angle in granoo viewer?

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Default view angle in granoo viewer?


Is it possible somewhere to set the default viewing angle and zoom-level in the granoo viewer?  

Along those lines, is it possible to define a custom viewing preset, so that the granoo screenshot function is always at the same angle, even for different sets of simulation results?

Lastly if I understand it correctly the paraview plugin does not work when custom defined polyhedra are used, via an external .off file?

Thank you!
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Re: Default view angle in granoo viewer?

Damien André
Hello, with granoo-viewer, you can save the current camera state with the 'F1' key (don't forget to put .xml extension).
You can retrieve the stored saved state with the 'F2' key.

This is specified in the help. To access to the granoo-viewer help section, please type the 'h' button.

> Lastly if I understand it correctly the paraview plugin does not work when custom defined polyhedra are used, via an external .off file?
I don't remember ! :( Cédric ... ?
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Re: Default view angle in granoo viewer?

Cédric Hubert
Well, I wrote something a few months ago to export the actual elements shape (whatever the shape).
For sure, the cost of model export and rendering speed are affected.

So, try the 'SaveDEShape' option (which defaults to 'No') in the ExportToPVD plugin:
<PlugIn Id="_ExportToPVD" Field="All" ... SaveDEShape="Yes"/>
