Defining elementpairs with different material properties

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Defining elementpairs with different material properties

Ali Ki

I need to define different material properties (Young's modulus ...) for the connections (elementpairs) between the DEM elements. How can I do that?
I will appreciate any information on this. :)

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Re: Defining elementpairs with different material properties

Damien André
Hello, here you can see an example of the input file with different properties. The trick consist in defining multiple SetOf ElementPair

<GranOO Version="2.0" TotIteration="20000" OutDir="Test" ThreadNumber="3">  
    <PlugIn Id="_ReadDomain" FileName="../gdd/cn10/cube-0.0022_cn-10-sample-1-frac-0.25.agdd"/>
    <PlugIn Id="_ConvertElementPairToBeam" Set="matrix" YoungModulus="677.94093585e9"
    <PlugIn Id="_ConvertElementPairToBeam" Set="interface" YoungModulus="4646.13975117e9"
    <PlugIn Id="_ConvertElementPairToBeam" Set="inclusion" YoungModulus="4646.13975117e9"


Have a nice day, Damien.
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Re: Defining elementpairs with different material properties

Ali Ki
Thank you so much.
Just one more question. I am trying to define a set of elementpair, but not successful yet.
How can I do that?
Would you give me a hand, please?
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Re: Defining elementpairs with different material properties

Damien André
Sorry, If you want some help, you must give me an hint. How did you try to define element pair ?
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Re: Defining elementpairs with different material properties

Ali Ki
Well, I want to define a set named "hardE". I have made my elements using DEM::ElementPair. Then, I started with this line:

auto& hardSet = * new DEM::ElementPair::Set("hardE");

Now, I don't know how to add (address) the specific elements to hardSet.

To define sets of discrete element, it's pretty easy. But to define sets of element pair, I am lost.
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Re: Defining elementpairs with different material properties

Damien André
Hello, You should try something like that
for (auto& elpair : Core::SetOf<ElementPair>::Get("Global"))
  auto& el1 = elpair.Item1(); // this is a discrete element 
  auto& el2 = elpair.Item2(); // this is a discrete element 
  if (el1.GetPosition().x() > 1) // your condition here

(I do not test this code snippet)
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Re: Defining elementpairs with different material properties

Ali Ki
Thanks bro!
This is what I did:

auto& hardSet = * new DEM::ElementPair::Set("hardMat");
for (auto& elpair : Core::SetOf<DEM::ElementPair>::Get("Global"))
  auto& el1 = elpair->Item1(); // this is a discrete element
  auto& el2 = elpair->Item2(); // this is a discrete element
  if (el1.GetPosition().x() > 1) // your condition here

<PlugIn Id="_ConvertElementPairToBeam" Set="hardMat" YoungModulus="10e9" RadiusRatio="0.6" PoissonRatio="0.3" MaxStress="0" />

But I receive this error:

# An error was encountered ! The program must stop #
You have to fix this problem, you may browse the source files to get more informations...
line      : 59
in file   : /home/ali/granoo/tags/2.0/Lib/GranOO/libCore/SetOfMap.tpp
condition : 'map_.count(set.GetId()) == 0'
-- Attached message --
Core::SetOf<Core::Pair<DEM::Element>> with Id=harddd is already used
my-project.exe: /home/ali/granoo/tags/2.0/Lib/GranOO/libUtil/Macro.cpp:65: static void GranOO::Util::AssertMsg::RaiseUserAssertion(int, const string&, const string&, const string&): Assertion `0' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

What do you think?
Thanks for all the helps :)
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Re: Defining elementpairs with different material properties

Damien André
Ali Ki wrote
# An error was encountered ! The program must stop #
You have to fix this problem, you may browse the source files to get more informations...
line      : 59
in file   : /home/ali/granoo/tags/2.0/Lib/GranOO/libCore/SetOfMap.tpp
condition : 'map_.count(set.GetId()) == 0'
It means that a SetOf does not exist. This assertion is probably raised when the plugin "_ConvertElementPairToBeam" is triggered.
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Re: Defining elementpairs with different material properties

Ali Ki
I tried to follow your guide. Looks I am missing something. What do you think is missing?
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Re: Defining elementpairs with different material properties

Damien André
I have no idea. Sorry.