Energy Control

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Energy Control

Wang Ze-yuan
Hello all,

I want to simulate something like "Bullet impact on a brittle disk" with 300m/s in Gallery.
However, I didn't find a PlugIn to control the energy. I have to use plugin like _ImposeDisplacement, _ApplyForce. But they don't perform well.
I find there is a EnergyBalance plugIn, but the document has not finished. How to control energy with it?
Can someone please give me some hint or a sample to solve this problem?
Any help would greatly appreciated


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Re: Energy Control


what do you mean "control the energy" ?

in GranOO, if you put the PlugIn "EnergyBalance" in the pre-processing part, you will see in your sensors.txt file all energies in your simulation appears. Then, use the command granoo-plot qith the option "-e" to perform an energy analysis of your simulation, check if the balance is correct etc ...


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Re: Energy Control

Wang Ze-yuan

I use this plugin:
<PlugIn Id="_ImposeDisplacement" X="0" Y="0" Z="-1*it" Set="indentor" /> (indentor is a tool)
The tool goes through the DiscreteElement, and the element moved later.
I want to let the tool rebound from the elements.
Originally, I think the possible causes is the tool is too fast. I used several different velocity, they didn't work well. The tool with these velocities just crashed into the elements and moved on.
Then, I try to fix the Beam's YoungModulus and PoissonRatio, which didn't make sense either.
Can you give me some hint to solve this problem.

Here is my input file,

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Re: Energy Control

Damien André
Hello, I can not open your .rar archive.
Can you post here your input file ?
Ty, Damien.