GranOO nmake

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GranOO nmake

Wang Ze-yuan
Hello Everyone,

I have some question about GranOO build.
I use Win10, VS2015, boost_1_65_0, VTK-8.1.0, zlib-1.2.11, Qt5.10.0

When I use nmake to build GranOO, the warning, which is "XmlObjectManager.cpp.obj : warning LNK4221: This object file does not define any previously undefined public symbols, so it will not be used by any link operation that consumes this library " always comes out in the step of " Linking CXX static library GranOO.lib".

I want to know is there any wrong with my environment, and the warning will affect my work or not.

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Re: GranOO nmake

Damien André
This post was updated on .
This warning is really strange. Can you launch and run examples ?
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Re: GranOO nmake

Wang Ze-yuan

Last time, when I launch the example, there is a warning, which is "LINK : warning LNK4044: unrecognized option '/WHOLEARCHIVE:C:/Developer/Install/GranOO/2.0/lib/GranOO.lib'; ignored".

And when I run the example " .\build\x64\release\Rain.exe.exe .\Rain.inp", the error will be reported like "Cannot find _SaveDomain in PlugIn" which I forgot a bit.

Now I rebuild the GranOO, it can launch and run the example. So I want to know which part make this error. Does the warning cause mistake someday?
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Re: GranOO nmake

Cédric Hubert

The /WHOLEARCHIVE linker flag is used to force the linker to include all symbols found in all objects files into the final binary.
That’s the reason you get the error when running granoo.exe  

The /WHOLEARCHIVE flag was introduced in Update 2 of MSVC.
Make sure you have at least Update 2 (but do not upgrade to MSVC 2017, there are still unsolved problems with GranOO).