GranOO version 0.0

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GranOO version 0.0

LE Ba Danh
Hello colleagues, I have PlugIn written with old version of granoo (0.0) on ubuntu 12.04. Currently, I need to run these PlugIns to write article, but after install granoo with ubuntu 16.04 (as:, it does not work gddView and Cooker (you find the images attached). On the other hand, it works when I made Make in Trunk and it works also with the Examples, just when I do gddView to see the file.gdd, it does not work. And when I made Make in DDCooker, it does not work too. Could you help me: 1. How to solve these problems? I have a lot of PlugIn written with granoo 0.0, so it's good if I can solve these problems. 2. How do update or modify these PlugIn from granoo0.0 to granoo2.0? Thank you, Danh
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Re: GranOO version 0.0

Cédric Hubert
Hi Dahn,

Version 0.0 is no longer maintained; you'd better update your plugins.
Have a look at the Tutorial section to create and write your own plugins:

If you need to recover old domains from .gdd files (not old simulation results), you can use the Util tool, located in /trunk/Tools/Util/. With this tool, you can convert your domains into ASCII files, which are portable to the most recent version of GranOO (2.0), which is still unofficial but stable.

According to your snapshots, it seems you are missing the libpthread, probably because of the recent version of your Linux distribution. You will also encounter the problem when building the Util tool.
A workaround would be to add the "-lpthread" flag to one of the variables in /trung/Local/Makefile.granoo, for instance the CGAL_LIB (line 38). It will look like:
LIB_CGAL = -lCGAL -lpthread

Best reagrds,
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Re: GranOO version 0.0

LE Ba Danh
Thank Cédric,
How can I convert my domains.gdd into ASCII files by Util tool?


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Re: GranOO version 0.0

Cédric Hubert
In the terminal, type
$>./Util --help

The program gives all required options. Should be something like:
$>./Util -I input.gdd -o output.agdd

I can't test, 0.0 is not installed on my machine.
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Re: GranOO version 0.0

LE Ba Danh
Thank Cédric.