Granoo set ID error

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Granoo set ID error


I am getting the following error when running Granoo:

"Core::SetOf<DEM::DiscreteElement> with Id=inner is already used"

The error can be traced back to this specific line on my .inp file:

<PlugIn Id="_ManageCollision" Between="DiscreteElement/DiscreteElement" BroadPhase="LCM" Set="inner" CallBack="Standard" Stiffness="20000.000000000000" RestitutionCoeff="0.100000000000" RegularizationType="piecewise" DryFrictionSlope="1e5" StaticDryFrictionCoeff="0.3" DynamicDryFrictionCoeff="0.2" />

If I change Set="inner" to Set="Global", the program runs fine and all sets are identified correctly (including the "inner" set) in the granoo-viewer Results.  E.g., they turn white when I click on them in the side dropdown menus.

The sets are basically constructed in the PlugIn_BuildDomain.cpp file from an external file:

        auto& globalSet = DEM::DiscreteElement::All();
int sci;

        for (i=0;i<ninner;i++)
                auto& DE = globalSet(sci);

Am I missing something here?  Any idea what the problem could be...?  It appears to be constructing the set correctly...
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Re: Granoo set ID error

Hello, just following up on this, I have been unable to fix this issue as of now.  

Basically I need to define different inter- and intra- set contact laws, so I'm assuming I would need to use the "Set=" keyword in the _ManageCollision plugin... but as mentioned this is throwing an error