Granoo viewer

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Granoo viewer

Granoo was working well, but out of nowhere when I wanna see the results:
granoo-viewer ./Results

It gives this error:

qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
QObject::connect: No such slot Viewer::TakeSnapshot(bool)
qt5ct: D-Bus global menu: no
There is not any discrete domain file in the directory "/home/ali/Documents/023", it's a problem...
GddParser, find 4 *.gdd files in "./Results_003_3" directory
GddParser, loading file "./Results_003_3/domain-0.gdd"
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::archive::archive_exception'
  what():  input stream error
Aborted (core dumped)

Would you please help me with this?
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Re: Granoo viewer

Damien André
Hello, the line "what():  input stream error", generally means that your *.gdd  is corrupted.
Your file may contain a NAN or an INF number. In most of case, it means that the related simulation has diverged.
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Re: Granoo viewer

Thank you for the response.
Yes. I looked to what you said and fixed it.
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Re: Granoo viewer

How can to fix it ?.

I have the same problem
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Re: Granoo viewer

Damien André
Hello TP, it just means that your simulation failed. You must revise your simu (decrease time step or whatever)

Cheers, Damien