GroundMode = "INSIDE"

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GroundMode = "INSIDE"

I am trying to create a truncated cone as boundary and fill it with polyhedral particles. I am using mixer test as example to create a truncated cone and dropping polyhedral particles from sky toward to cone. There are multiple issues, I am experiencing.

First of all: GroundMode = "INSIDE" what does this option do in the example. Whenever, I add it things the system keep telling me that it does not exist.

Second Problem is whenever polyhedral particle reach the cone boundary they either disappear or move unrealistically.

How I resolve these issues?

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Re: GroundMode = "INSIDE"

Damien André

"INSIDE" means that your particles are inside your geometry, i.e, your ground is seen by GranOO as a container for particles.

As far as I know, the INSIDE option is only valid with spherical particles. I have no idea if it will work with polyhedral particles. Maybe, this is the reason of your crazy results.

My advice :
- try first with spherical particles
- and after try with polyhedral particle

Hope this helps, kind regards, Damien.