Help for delete beam between two SetOfs.

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Help for delete beam between two SetOfs.

LE Ba Danh

I have a small function in PlugIn of Granoo 0.0, it run well. But, it does not work with Granoo 2.0.
Can you help me make an update this function with Granoo2.0?

  SetOfDE & demFiber        =  SetOfDE::Get("Fiber");
  SetOfDE & demMatrix       =  SetOfDE::Get("Matrix");
  SetOfBO * beamToBeDeleted =  new SetOfBO("BeamToBeDeleted");
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < demFiber.GetTotItemNumber(); ++i)
      DEM::SetOfBase<DEM::Bond<_3D> > & bondSet = demFiber[i]->GetBondSet();
      for (unsigned int j=0; j < bondSet.GetTotItemNumber(); ++j)
          DE & de1 = bondSet[j]->GetDiscreteElement1();
          DE & de2 = bondSet[j]->GetDiscreteElement2();
          // choose the discrete element at the other end of the beam:
          DE * de = &de1;
          if (&de1 == demFiber[i] )
              de = & de2;
          // look if de is in fiber or matrix... iy yes, append the beam to BeamToBeDeleted:
          if (demMatrix.Contain(de))
    // destroy all the beams in beamToBeDeleted:

Thank for your help.

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Re: Help for delete beam between two SetOfs.

Damien André
Your code sounds good, where is your problem ?
During compilation, execution ?

Could you give us some details on your problem ?
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Re: Help for delete beam between two SetOfs.

LE Ba Danh
Hi Damien,
1. The error appear during compilation:

You find attached my PlugIn. Can you help me correct in my PlugIn?

2. For the create a new setOf from 2 SetOfs, i did as you say:
    Core::SetOf<DEM::DiscreteElement> inter("LoadFiber"); // Create a new setOf
    inter.Intersection(xMinSet, yMaxSet); // Now, this setOf is the intersection
But the new setOf "LoadFiber" does not appear in gdd file.

Thank for your help my friend.

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Re: Help for delete beam between two SetOfs.

Damien André
Hello, try this
  SetOfDE & demFiber        =  SetOfDE::Get("Fiber");
  SetOfDE & demMatrix       =  SetOfDE::Get("Matrix");
  SetOfBO * beamToBeDeleted =  new SetOfBO("BeamToBeDeleted");
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < demFiber.GetTotItemNumber(); ++i)
      Core::SetOfBase<DEM::Bond > & bondSet = demFiber[i]->GetBondSet();
      for (unsigned int j=0; j < bondSet.GetTotItemNumber(); ++j)
          DEM::Element & de1 = bondSet[j]->GetElement1();
          DEM::Element & de2 = bondSet[j]->GetElement2();
          // choose the discrete element at the other end of the beam:
          DEM::Element * de = &de1;
          if (&de1 == demFiber[i] )
              de = & de2;
          // look if de is in fiber or matrix... iy yes, append the beam to BeamToBeDeleted:
          if (demMatrix.Contain(de))
    // destroy all the beams in beamToBeDeleted:

Be aware, the "SetOfDE" must be "Core::SetOf<DEM::Element>"... Good luck !
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Re: Help for delete beam between two SetOfs.

LE Ba Danh
Thank Damien,
It not yet working:

Thank for your help,

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Re: Help for delete beam between two SetOfs.

Damien André
And this ?
  SetOfDE & demFiber        =  SetOfDE::Get("Fiber");
  SetOfDE & demMatrix       =  SetOfDE::Get("Matrix");
  SetOfBO * beamToBeDeleted =  new SetOfBO("BeamToBeDeleted");
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < demFiber.GetTotItemNumber(); ++i)
      Core::SetOfBase<DEM::Bond > & bondSet = demFiber[i]->GetBondSet();
      for (unsigned int j=0; j < bondSet.GetTotItemNumber(); ++j)
          const DEM::Element & de1 = bondSet[j]->GetElement1();
          const DEM::Element & de2 = bondSet[j]->GetElement2();
          // choose the discrete element at the other end of the beam:
          const DEM::Element * de = &de1;
          if (&de1 == demFiber[i] )
              de = & de2;
          // look if de is in fiber or matrix... iy yes, append the beam to BeamToBeDeleted:
          if (demMatrix.Contain(dynamic_cast<const DEM::DiscreteElement *>(de)))
    // destroy all the beams in beamToBeDeleted:

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Re: Help for delete beam between two SetOfs.

LE Ba Danh
Yes, It works.
Many thank my friend.
