How to create CMakeLists.txt in order to run my project ??

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How to create CMakeLists.txt in order to run my project ??

Josu Casas
Hi everybody,

I got an issue at the step "Run your fist project" of the tutorial.

The thing is that the tutorial doesn't say anything about how to create the CMakeLists.txt file and I don't know how to do it.

I've tried to copy-paste de CMakeLists.txt files from other projects, as the example Granular Rain, but the terminal types me an error.

I would be very gratefull if someone could help me with this issue.

Sorry for my English, I'm Spanish. I hope at least you are able to understand my problem.

Very nice to meet you all, and thank you.

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Re: How to create CMakeLists.txt in order to run my project ??

Damien André
Hello, Normally if you copy/paste a CMakeLists.txt from another project to your own project, it should be okay.

What is the error ?