How to get element within a certain radius around a particular element.

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How to get element within a certain radius around a particular element.


I have a question about how to get element within a certain radius around a particular element.
Maybe I can solve this problem with a unique ID.
Is there a unique ID for each discrete element?
How do I ge it by cpp?

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Re: How to get element within a certain radius around a particular element.

i have know how to get the id,but i have a question that whether the id of deleted element will be given to other newly added elements?
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Re: How to get element within a certain radius around a particular element.

Damien André
Hello, if you get an ID like...
// DE1 is a DEM::Element object
unsigned long long int DE1_ID = DE1.Core::Register<DEM::Element>::get_numeric_ID();
... no worry the ID are not able to change (this is incremental IDs)
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Re: How to get element within a certain radius around a particular element.

Thanks for your help