I do not find the files #include

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I do not find the files #include

Hi Guys,

I have a problem when I run a program or a example (is a puntual error). Appears error with include#.....
The error says ”the file do not exist. There is not the file ”#include .....”.

What is the problem?

I try to run a program the last version and appear in the header of the file .cpp that there is not in Granoo files install. for example:

#include "libDEM/SRC/ComputeProblem.hpp"
#include "libDEM/SRC/Tools.hpp"

SRC? this folder does not appear in the Granoo files installation.

If I wish to run the program how can I get the files or where can I download?. For example in this case ”ComputeProblem.hpp”

Is it possible?


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Re: I do not find the files #include

Damien André
what you try to compile comes from an old GranOO version (we call this version "trunk"). This version is no longer supported. Sorry.