In Cooker - how can I build a Set?

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In Cooker - how can I build a Set?



I have a ring ( radius 125 mm and 115 mm) that I created (file .off). My propose is set the inner diameter face of the ring. I hace two option how i can do:

1. There is a section in CookingBook (Build boundary discrete element set).

<PlugIn Id="BuildBoundarySet"/>
<PlugIn Id="?" radiusMin="115" radiusMax="115.45" ID ="InterShell"/>

What could be the PlugIn ID (?) for create the set?.


 2. create PluginID=_NewTool and after PluginID=_manage collision with the new tool?

<PlugIn Id="_NewTool" Type="Cylinder" Radius="0.11545" Length="0.005" ID="Cylinder"/> 

<PlugIn Id="_ManageCollision" Between="DiscreteElement/Tool" UniqueId="Inter"
   BroadPhase="Tool" RecordContactIn="IntCylinder"/> 

Which are the two option is the best?. Although the last option appear a error that says there is no volumen. (volumen >0).

I know that is a complex question. I appreciate your help.

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Re: In Cooker - how can I build a Set?

Damien André
Yes this is quite complicated.
What I suggest to do this job is to go into granoo/tags/2.0/Tool/Script/offset.readme
Please follow the instruction. It shows how to use a custom python script to do this job.

Good luck !
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Re: In Cooker - how can I build a Set?

 Thanks Jan,

Is a good advice follow this file, but dont say about to mark or select the discrete element that is near from or touching the wall (inner diameter). Only talk about of the the shape and vert and edges but no discrete element. Anyway, thanks very much indeed Jan.
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Re: In Cooker - how can I build a Set?

Damien André
Hello, this tutorial step explains how to create SetOf with plugin.

You can adapt this example to your case by post-creating your SetOf outside the cooker