Nano Indentation test

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Nano Indentation test


I am working on an indentation test like the picture below:

The above problem is solved in EDEM by my colleague and I want to test it in GranOO. In this test, the indenter (grey part) is considered as rigid, only the plate (yellow part) has deformation. I have several questions:

1/ Because the indenter does not deform, is there any way that we consider the indenter as a body without filing discrete elements inside it ?

2/ Could you please give me a hint what kind of conditions I need to apply to the plate ?

3/ I have read the example SmoothImpact and I saw that all the bonds in plate are deleted. Is it one of the way we describe a rigid domain ?

Thank you and Regards,
Do Xuan Vinh Nguyen
PhD Student,
School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences,
University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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Re: Nano Indentation test

Cédric Hubert
Hi Vinh,

In the SmoothImpact example, we removed the bonds to avoid useless (and costly) computations, since the plate is rigid.
For your particular case, I guess the domain (plate) deformations cannot be ignored, so I would simply recommend clamping, or at least constraining the bottom z-displacement to 0.

Of course, you will have to check that the boundary conditions you apply do not affect the expected behaviour of the domain, since in indentation, the local behaviour is often affected by more distant behaviour...

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Re: Nano Indentation test

Damien André
Hell Vinh,
You can take a look into  Example/Tool/BrazilianTest example. If you want to run it, you must update the example before with the 'svn update' command. 

This example implements the concept of 'Tool'. Tools are rigid bodies with arbitrary shapes that can collide with discrete elements. For example, your indenter can be a Tool with a polyhedral shape. In the same manner as cooker, the polyhedron here must come from an OFF file made with your favorite CAD tool.

For example, if you insert the next lines in the preprocessing section of your inp file, it builds a new polyhedral tool.

<PlugIn Id="_NewFrame" Center="(0, -1.3,0)" ID="F2" />
<PlugIn Id="_NewTool" Type="Polyhedron" File="" Set="down_plate"  FrameID="F2"/>

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Re: Nano Indentation test

Hello Cédric and Damien,

Thank you. I will try your advice to see how it works.

Do Xuan Vinh Nguyen
PhD Student,
School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences,
University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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Re: Nano Indentation test

In reply to this post by Damien André
Hi Damien,

I tried the Example/Tool/BrazilianTest, however, when I compile, it shows the error:

I cannot find the function GetDisabledBondSet() in Bond class. Does it work in your computer ?

Do Xuan Vinh Nguyen
PhD Student,
School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences,
University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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Re: Nano Indentation test

Damien André
Yes, please update (just this example) this example with :
cd your-path/Example/Tool/BrazilianTest
svn update 
and recompile it, Damien.