Plot the force and the results is million.

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Plot the force and the results is million.


Hi Guys,
I had seen and had tried the example espefically (brazilian-TEST) and when I plot the force in Y (Up tool and Down tool) i see that the results force is very high (million units). what is the reason?

Later, I create a similar project but applying force in this case Fx= 10  and Fy= 40 (is Newton the unit no?) and when i plot I see that the results Force in X and Y is a million too.

What is the reason? is due to microparameters ?

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Re: Plot the force and the results is million.

Damien André
Hello, this very high level of force is propably due to the size of the disk : 1m of diameter and 0.2m of thickness.
Yes all the units are in International Units : Newton, meter, etc...