Problem of cutting the beam between two materials

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Problem of cutting the beam between two materials

LE Ba Danh
Hi Damien and all,
I have a problem when I want to cut the beams between fiber and matrix in composite material.
My PlugIn works well with version 0.0 of GranOO, but it does not work with GranOO2.0.
Could you help me for my case?
Voici my inp file and my PlugIn.
Thank you.
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Re: Problem of cutting the beam between two materials

Damien André
In the v2, cooker build "ElementPair" instead of the classical "Bond" (to fix a performance issue). So, if you want to play with Bond that comes directly from the cooker, you need to play with DEM::ElementPair. Please find in attached a fix to your problem. Please tell me if this is okay !

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Re: Problem of cutting the beam between two materials

LE Ba Danh
It works,
Thank you very much my friend.
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Re: Problem of cutting the beam between two materials

LE Ba Danh
In reply to this post by Damien André
Hi Damien,
With two PlugIn_CreateDomains above that you send me, sometimes it works, sometimes it does not work with  gdd file generated by Cookerprefilling.
Example: In my case, the Cookerprefilling with 2000 element of matrix: it work. It does not work with 5000 or 1000 or 10000 element of matrix (see errors in figure below). It concerns this code:

   // Update the connectivity table of element pair
  for (unsigned int i=0; i < demInclusion.GetTotItemNumber(); ++i)
          auto set = DEM::ElementPair::GetConnectionFor(demInclusion(i));  
          AddSetToSet(set, fiberbondset);

Can you help me?
Thank you,
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Re: Problem of cutting the beam between two materials

Damien André
Hello Danh,
Sorry I have no idea and I am very busy and I have no time to inspect in details your problem. However, I guess that something wrong happens. In your snapshot, have you seen the value of your "optimal time step" ? There is something strange in your computation, be careful to the order of your plugin.

Hope this help, Damien.
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Re: Problem of cutting the beam between two materials

LE Ba Danh
Thank Damien,
I will see again the problem.

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Re: Problem of cutting the beam between two materials

Hi Danh,

I met the same problem. My solution is that instead of looping over discrete elements to find its set of element pairs, I make a loop over all of element pairs and add each pair to desired SetOf<DEM::ElementPair>. It may take longer time to run, but you can try the files I attached here.

Kind Regards,
Do Xuan Vinh Nguyen
PhD Student,
School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences,
University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
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Re: Problem of cutting the beam between two materials

LE Ba Danh
Thank Vinh.
What's your Email adress?
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Re: Problem of cutting the beam between two materials

Hi Danh,

My email address is

We discussed one time in the last year. I am also working in similar problem with you, hope that we will have more discussion.

Do Xuan Vinh Nguyen
PhD Student,
School of Mechanical, Materials, Mechatronic and Biomedical Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences,
University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia