Hello Dhan,
you can use the granoo-gddutil executable for automatic calibration. For example, you can use as this :
granoo-gddutil --calib --E 60e09 --Nu 0.3 --Cn 8
** Automatic computation of microscopic elastic parameters**
The related microscopic parameters for E=6.000000e+01 GPa, Nu=3.000000e-01 and S=0.000000e+00 MPa are:
- Em=6.715803e+01 GPa (cohesive beam Young's modulus)
- Rm=9.304695e-01 (cohesive beam radius ratio)
- Sm=0.000000e+00 MPa (microscopic failure strength for brittle material)Note that the 'Sm' feature is really experimental at this tim
The output of the program gives you autmatically the microscopic parameters values. Then, you can enter these values directly in the
_ConvertElementPairToBeam plugin with the
YoungModulus and
RadiusRatio options.