Simulation gradually slows to a halt and gobbles memory

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Simulation gradually slows to a halt and gobbles memory

I am seeing my simulation make really quick progress between 0 and 40% progress, but it crawls to a halt mid 50%, and starts gobbling up massive amounts of memory.

I left GranOO running on a fairly powerful machine overnight. The machine has 12 cores and 64gb of RAM. As I said, it made very good progress the first 0 to 40%, so I expected the simulation to finish shortly after I logged off, but instead when I viewed its progress the next morning, the simulation was stuck at 58.XX%, making not even a 0.01% of progress in the 10 minutes I viewed it. It appeared to have been halted. While at the same time, I noticed it was utilizing all 64gb of the machine's RAM!! Running the same simulation again to figure out what is happening, I can see that for the first 40% the simulation stays below 0.5-1gb of memory, but when it hits mid 50% the memory slowly increases, and the rate of change in the percentage plummets to nearly zero. I understand a simulation will not have a constant rate of progression, but I do not see why the memory would explode in this way unless there is some kind of memory leak.

Has GranOO exhibited this behavior for anyone else, and is there a particular plugin that might be responsible?
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Re: Simulation gradually slows to a halt and gobbles memory

Damien André
Hello, a possible reason is a particle which is going very far...
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Re: Simulation gradually slows to a halt and gobbles memory

That would make sense! Around the same time that the simulation slows down discrete elements start to fly away.
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Re: Simulation gradually slows to a halt and gobbles memory

Damien André
Hello, you can use the BoundaryBox PlugIn. It deletes automatically the particles outside a given bounding box. This is bad & ugly but it works. ^^