Test example does not run on the Raspberry Pi5

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Test example does not run on the Raspberry Pi5

Hi Guys

I managed to create what looks like a successful installation of Granoo on the Raspberry Pi5 using Ubuntu.

When I try and run the test problem, I get the following error, granoo3-viewer: command not found.
Would this imply an error with the installation? Dopes anyone have any hints on how to resolve the issue?
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Re: Test example does not run on the Raspberry Pi5

Cédric Hubert
Hi Mishal,

Maybe you just forgot to add the installation directory to the PATH environment variable ?
Does it works if you directly type the full path to the executable ? Something like
By the way, feel free to share the running time of some simple GranOO examples !

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Re: Test example does not run on the Raspberry Pi5

Hi Cédric

Thanks for your response.
I managed to manually open the viewer but it seems like the viewer struggles to run on the pi, this may be a resolution issue though.

I will investigate as and when I get time, the solve time seems to be decent on the examples. I will share more details later.

Just for your information I am just running it on the pi since it makes it easier to setup a model for work purposes (due to all the IT issues). It seems that you guys have a pretty straight forward installation for the CentOS which will overcome the huge struggles we have been having to install LIGGGHTS on the clusters in South Africa.
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Re: Test example does not run on the Raspberry Pi5

Damien André
Hello, from my experience, the granoo-viewer should not work on Pi. However, you can run simulations as usual.

Cheers, Damien