The use of CAD meshes on Granoo and documentation

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The use of CAD meshes on Granoo and documentation

Hi Guys

I am new to DEM and Granoo. I have messed around with LIGGGHTS a bit, I feel that Granoo may be a bit more versatile for the requirements.

With regards to input geometry/mesh what possible formats are available to use? I see that a .off is supported however non of the CAD packages I have are able to export to this format. Is it possible to use .stl files?

Furthermore, is there any other documentation for Granoo other than than the link presented below?
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Re: The use of CAD meshes on Granoo and documentation

Damien André
Hello Mishal, GranOO only uses the .off file format. However, to get a *.off from *.stl file, you can use the opensource software meshlab. I always recommend meshlab because this tool is also able to fix some trouble with meshes.

Be aware, GranOO only deals with convex geometries. So your *.off file must represent a convex one.

Concerning documentation, this is clear that GranOO lack of clear documentation. However, you can take a look in different examples that implements imported *.off file. You can take a look in :
- granoo/tags/2.0/Tool/Cooker/inp/CookingBook-polyhedron.inp
- granoo/tags/2.0/Example/Granular/MultiShape/

Cheers, Damien