Time step and numerical accuracy

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Time step and numerical accuracy

Hello again,

I'm trying to run a basic collision study to show convergence of the results with the time step size.

The simulation is pretty simple, about 100 cubes being shaken around in a container.

If i'm not mistaken, the time step should be much smaller than the time scale of impact between contacting discrete elements (dt<sqrt(m/k)) for both numerical accuracy and stability of the integration schemes?  (where m is the mass of the discrete elements and k is the contact stiffness)

I've tried running time steps where dt is about 5000 times smaller than this ratio but still can't get convergence: it gives a different configuration of blocks every time.

Eventually shouldn't I be able to get convergence with fine enough time steps?  I guess I should keep going smaller?  Or am I missing something...?

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Re: Time step and numerical accuracy

Damien André
what is your initial configuration ?
Do the blocks are of equal sizes and aligned on a grid like this ?

Do you apply Gravity ? How do you shake your box ?
Thx, Damien.
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Re: Time step and numerical accuracy

Hold up... might be an issue on my end... let me fix some things and i'll get back to you...

Thank you again, for your help!