To detect Force in all discrete element

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To detect Force in all discrete element


Hi Granooers,

I have a projjject similar to Brazilian test. My doubt is about the sensor (InitSensor.cpp). Due to the pkate is a tool I can receive the force with this Geom::Vector

PlugIn_InitSensor::GetDownPlateForce() const
  Core::SetOf<DEM::Tool>& set = Core::SetOf<DEM::Tool>::Get();
  DEM::Tool& down_plate = set(1);
  return down_plate.GetForce();

However, In my case, instead the tool I have a grou of discrete element. and I applied this Geom:Vector

PlugIn_InitSensor::GetWorkpieceForce() const
  Core::SetOf<DEM:DiscreteElement>& set = Core::SetOf<DEM:DiscreteElement>::Get();
  DEM::DiscreteElement & Workpiece = set(0);
  return Workpiece.GetForce();

When I see the results, I seems to get the force on average of each discrete element and not all.

The fist example I get the force 80N and the last one I get the force 1N.

I should be nnnote, that the dicrete element (on the plate) is without bond and . It is ok?
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Re: To detect Force in all discrete element

Damien André
Hello, are you sure that the first discrete element of your set is really the working piece ? I suppose that this is not the case.

Kind regards, Damien.