Unable to save gif

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Unable to save gif

I am having some issues while saving my simulation in the GIF format. I can successfully save the domain in jpg or any other format, but when choosing the GIF option in the granoo3-viewer, it cannot be saved in any directory.

This was displayed in the terminal window,
2024-08-04 15:05:32.274 granoo3-viewer[5030:85059] Suppressing invocation of -[NSApplication runModalSession:]. -[NSApplication runModalSession:] cannot run inside a transaction begin/commit pair, or inside a transaction commit. Consider switching to an asynchronous equivalent.

Please provide me with a solution.

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Re: Unable to save gif

Damien André
Hello, I am sorry, this is not a granoo bug, so I have no direct solution.

Howevere, here are two tricks to do what you want.

1/ for a single image, save it as *.png file with the granoo-viewer and convert it with your favorite image processing tool. I use imagemagick with the following cmd line :
convert yourfile.png yourfile.gif

2/ for multiple images, save them as *.png files with the granoo-viewer (with the record button). Then, you can make an animated gif with ffmpeg thanks to the following cmd :
ffmpeg -i image-%d.png output.gif

Cheers, Damien
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Re: Unable to save gif

Having multiple *png images taken using the record button is a great idea. I had thought the record button was only for the GIF format. Thanks.
