Units Used.

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Units Used.


What are the default units that Granoo uses?

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Re: Units Used.

Damien André
Hello, GranOO uses internation system unit (meter, kilogram, etc...)
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Re: Units Used.

Thank you for the response. However, I was looking for in terms of specificity of the units. For instance, if I describe a particle radius (meter, centimeter, millimeter, etc.)
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Re: Units Used.

Cédric Hubert

Cannot be more clear than my colleague...
Any parameter expecting a length (such as the particle radius) should be given a value in meters.

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Re: Units Used.

I understand but there are more parameters than the distance.

Time, Force, Density etc.

Is there a documentation that show the set of units assumed as Inputs?
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Re: Units Used.

Damien André
Length -> meter (m)
Surface -> squared meter (m2)
mass -> kilogram (kg)
force -> Newton (N)
torque -> Newton.meter (N.m)
time -> second (s)
stress -> Pascal (Pa)
strain -> no unit

and so on....
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Re: Units Used.

Thank You
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Re: Units Used.

Damien André
Hi, to be clear and precise, you must use what is called "a consistant system of unit".

Here, you can find some examples consistant systems :


So, you are free to choose the system that you prefer. If you don't know which one to choose, my personnal advice is to use standard metric system : meter, kilogram, second, etc...

Kind regards, Damien