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I want to create a model where I have 3D Voronoi tiles and each tile is connected to its neighboring tile via a spring/beam element. Should I create several .off files and then have Granoo read it or is there an inbuild Voronoi function?

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Re: Voronoi

Damien André
Hello, if you want to use voronoi domains you can follow this workflow.

1- Create a granular compact domain with the cooker tool :

$ granoo-cooker -w
$ granoo-cooker ./CookingBook.inp

2- Use the gddutil tool to convert the granular domain into voronoi domain with :

$ granoo-gddutil -i ./TEST/CompactDomain.agdd --voro --voro-delau -o voro.lgdd
Please note that :
 - only *.lgdd and *.gdd granoo file formats are compatible with voronoi domains
- you can skip --voro-delau option if you want to keep the same bond network before and after the voronoi conversion

3- Visualize the result with the viewer tool :

$ granoo-viewer ./
In the viewer type two times on the 'i' key to highlights voronoi cells.

Best regards, Damien.