cohesive beam model for visco-elastic materials

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cohesive beam model for visco-elastic materials

Dear all,

I am a beginner in GranOO
I am trying to use DEM to simulate a viscoelastic/viscous material.
It seems that there isn't currently a cohisive beam model for such material in GranOO.
Is there a bonded-particle model that can be applied to this case? Can someone please give me some hint to develop this model?
Any help would be greatly appreciated


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Re: cohesive beam model for visco-elastic materials

Damien André
Do you know if your visco-elastic materials will be subject to high strain such as liquid flaws ?
Thanks,  Damien.
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Re: cohesive beam model for visco-elastic materials

Hello Damien,
Thanks for your reply
In my project, the materials will only be subjected to small force, that doesn't lead to failure. Therefore, it may not be apply the beam breaking criterion.
The main purpose is to get a desired mechanical behavior at the macroscopic scale.
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Re: cohesive beam model for visco-elastic materials

Damien André
You can add a dash-pot in parallel of beams... For example, you can do it in your input file thanks to the "DampingFactor" option :

<PlugIn Id="_ConvertElementPairToBeam" YoungModulus="1.2e11" RadiusRatio="0.28" DampingFactor="1e5"/>

But if you want more sophisticated behavior, you must code it by yourself. If you try something, please let us know your development. :)
Best regards, Damien.