test:The plugIn 'STEP does not exist

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test:The plugIn 'STEP does not exist

I I checked the relevant logs and everything seems to be normal; There is a problem executing ./build/rain.exe ./inp/rain.inp, I don't know how to solve it, ask for help
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Re: test:The plugIn 'STEP does not exist

Damien André
Hello, your error looks strange... did you compile correctly the project ?
Cheers, Damien
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Re: test:The plugIn 'STEP does not exist

Yes, the source program rain.exe has been compiled, there are problems running, my compilation method specifies boost, zlib, qt5, eigen3, vtk and suitespare, and granoo also compiles the executable and related dependent libraries, and the test compiles normally
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Re: test:The plugIn 'STEP does not exist

Damien André
Try to run
 instead of your project executable and see what happen